Automated Testing by Mike Ciul

(for Glulx only)

"Allows the author to create and run automated tests, which could be used for test-driven development."
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Copy Include Automated Testing by Mike Ciul to clipboard Include Automated Testing by Mike Ciul.
Automated Testing allows the author to create and run automated tests, which could be used for test-driven development.

Chapter: Introduction

Section: Introduction

Automated Testing allows the author to create and run automated tests.

The test scripts are stored as rows of tables that belong to test objects. These scripts specify a number of parser commands, such as "examine me", and the corresponding response expected from the game, such as "As good-looking as ever."

They are automated in that the author can quickly execute all defined test scripts and receive a report on which passed and which failed. The virtual machine is restarted between tests.

This sort of automated testing could be used for test-driven development, but this functionality should be useful to any author. In any case, the topic is somewhat beyond the scope of this document.

Chapter: Tests

Section: Test Objects

Tests have the following definition:

A test is a kind of thing.
A test has a number called the index.
A test has a table-name called steps.

The following is an example of a test object:

Verify Player Description is a test.
The index of Verify Player Description is 1.
The steps of Verify Player Description is the Table of Steps for Verify Player Description.

The index of a test identifies it and should be unique. The indexes of the tests to be run are listed in Table of Scripts.

The steps of a test is the name of the table which contains the various commands which compose its script.

Section: Test Tables

A test's "steps" table has the form:

order command response
a number text text

The following is an example of a test table:

Table of Steps for Verify Player Description
order command response
1 "examine me" "^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"
2 "x myself" "^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"

The order is a number that keeps the steps running in sequential order.

The command is the text that the player would type in.

The response is a regular expression that should match the game's response.

Section: Table of Scripts

In order to execute a script with "assert all", its index needs to be in the Table of Scripts. This table is defined as:

Table of Scripts
a number

and is initially empty. To add your scripts, add code such as:

Table of Scripts (continued)

Note that the scripts are executed in bottom-to-top order.

Section: Asserting

The command to run every test that is defined is:

>assert all

It is occasionally useful to run individual tests with:


For example,

>assert Verify Player Description

Section: Stopping the Test

When a test failure occurs, it is sometimes useful to stop the test execution at the point of failure. The command for this is:

stop the test

As demonstrated in:

Table of Steps for Verify Player Description
order command response
1 "examine me" "^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"
2 "x myself" "^More good\-looking than ever\.\n\n$"
3 "stop the test" ".*"

Section: Slowing the Tests

By default, the tests execute quickly. However, it is occasionally useful or interesting to slow down the process. This is done with:

Use timer delay of at least .

where is the number of milliseconds between commands. For example,

Use timer delay of at least 5000.

will execute one command once every 5 seconds, more or less.

Chapter: Known Limitations

Section: Out of World Problems

This extension does not handle actions that are out-of-world very gracefully. In general, if the player enters something that doesn't advance the turn counter, there will probably be problems. Examples of problematic commands include:

>finagle the scallywag

(where the last example contains words not understood by the parser.)

Chapter: FAQ

Section: How Do I...

Questions and answers to follow.

Section: Common Problems and How to Fix Them

Questions and answers to follow.

Example: * Testing the Waters 1 - Some basic tests.

Copy "Testing the Waters 1" to clipboard
"Testing the Waters 1"

Include Automated Testing by Roger Carbol.

Use timer delay of at least 100.
Use maximum capture buffer length of at least 1024.

Chapter 1 - The Game

The Cabin is a room. "The front of the small cabin is entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar display, and radios for calling back to shore. Along each side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions, which can be lifted to reveal the storage space underneath. A glass case against the wall contains several fishing rods.
Scratched windows offer a view of the surrounding bay, and there is a door south to the deck. A sign taped to one wall announces the menu of tours offered by the Yakutat Charter Boat Company."

The Cabin contains a glass case. In the glass case is a collection of fishing rods.

The case is closed, transparent, and openable.

The bench is in the cabin. On the bench are some blue vinyl cushions.

The bench is enterable.

Chapter 2 - The Tests - Not for release

Table of Scripts (continued)

Verify Player Description is a test.
The index of Verify Player Description is 1.
The steps of Verify Player Description is the Table of Steps for Verify Player Description.

Table of Steps for Verify Player Description
order command response
1 "examine me" "^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"
2 "x myself" "^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"

Verify Cabin Description is a test.
The index of Verify Cabin Description is 2.
The steps of Verify Cabin Description is the Table of Steps for Verify Cabin Description.

Table of Steps for Verify Cabin Description
order command response
1 "l" "^Cabin\nThe front of the small cabin is entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar display, and radios for calling back to shore\. Along each side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions, which can be lifted to reveal the storage space underneath\. A glass case against the wall contains several fishing rods\.\n\nScratched windows offer a view of the surrounding bay, and there is a door south to the deck\. A sign taped to one wall announces the menu of tours offered by the Yakutat Charter Boat Company\.\n\nYou can see a glass case \(closed\) \(in which is a collection of fishing rods\) and a bench \(on which are some blue vinyl cushions\) here\.\n\n$"

Verify Rods-and-Case is a test.
The index of Verify Rods-and-Case is 3.
The steps of Verify Rods-and-Case is the Table of Steps for Verify Rods-and-Case.

Table of Steps for Verify Rods-and-Case
order command response
1 "take rods" "^The glass case isn't open\.\n\n$"
2 "open case" "^You open the glass case\.\n\n$"
3 "take rods" "^Taken\.\n\n$"
4 "i" "^You are carrying:.*a collection of fishing rods\n\n$"

test me with "assert all"

Example: ** Testing the Waters 2 - Demonstrating a failed test.

Copy "Testing the Waters 2" to clipboard
"Testing the Waters 2"

Include Automated Testing by Roger Carbol.

Use timer delay of at least 100.

Chapter 1 - The Game

The Cabin is a room. "The front of the small cabin is entirely occupied with navigational instruments, a radar display, and radios for calling back to shore. Along each side runs a bench with faded blue vinyl cushions, which can be lifted to reveal the storage space underneath. A glass case against the wall contains several fishing rods.Scratched windows offer a view of the surrounding bay, and there is a door south to the deck. A sign taped to one wall announces the menu of tours offered by the Yakutat Charter Boat Company."

The Cabin contains a glass case. In the glass case is a collection of fishing rods.

[I mistakenly assume that containers are closed by default...]

The case is transparent, and openable.
[The case is closed.]

The bench is in the cabin. On the bench are some blue vinyl cushions.

The bench is enterable.

Chapter 2 - The Tests - Not for release

Table of Scripts (continued)

Verify Player Description is a test.
   The index of Verify Player Description is 1.
   The steps of Verify Player Description is the Table of Steps for Verify Player Description.

Table of Steps for Verify Player Description
1"examine me""^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"
2"x myself""^As good\-looking as ever\.\n\n$"

Verify Rods-and-Case is a test.
   The index of Verify Rods-and-Case is 2.
   The steps of Verify Rods-and-Case is the Table of Steps for Verify Rods-and-Case.

Table of Steps for Verify Rods-and-Case
1"take rods""^The glass case isn't open\.\n\n$"
2"stop the test"".*"
2 "open case" "^You open the glass case\.\n\n$"
3 "take rods" "^Taken\.\n\n$"
4 "i" "^You are carrying:.*a collection of fishing rods\n\n$"

[I've commented out the steps after the failure and added a "stop the test" to take a closer look.]

test me with "assert all"

test case with "assert Verify Rods-and-Case"
Automated Testing (for Glulx only) by Roger Carbol begins here.

"Allows the author to create and run automated tests, which could be used for test-driven development."

[This extension contains modifications by Mike Ciul. It is Mike's hope that at least some of the changes will be incorporated in the next version of Automated Testing, but be warned that this is a work in progress and not the official release by Roger Carbol. ]

[TODO: fix weird problem with ignore library line break]

Include Text Capture by Eric Eve.
Include Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.

Book of Testing - not for release

Part 1 -- Things the User May Want to Change

[The following tables made possible by Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.]

Table of User Styles (continued)
style namejustificationobliquityindentationfirst-line indentationboldnessfixed widthrelative sizeglulx color

Table of Common Color Values (continued)
glulx color value assigned number
g-pure-green 65280
g-pure-red 16711680
g-dark-red 11141120
g-green 32768

success sign translates into Unicode as 8729.
failure sign translates into Unicode as 35.

Part 2 -- Defining Tests

A test is a kind of thing.
   A test has a number called the index.
   A test has a table-name called steps.
   A test has an object called the prerequisite.

Part 3 -- Defining the Testcontroller

Testcontroller is a thing.
   Testcontroller can be active or inactive. [When the tests are running, it is active.]
   Testcontroller can be expecting a response or processing a response. [If we never reach our handle test response rule, something is wrong and we are unstable. ]
   Testcontroller has a text called testname. [The name of the test object we're currently running.]
   Testcontroller has a text called command. [The command we're feeding to the parser.]
   Testcontroller has a text called response. [The regular expression we expect the output to match.]
   Testcontroller has a number called total-steps. [Number of rows in the Table of Steps.]
   Testcontroller has a number called current-step. [The row in the underway table we're on.]
   Testcontroller has a number called index. [Index to the test item currently executing]
   Testcontroller can be rebooting or stopping.

Part 4 -- Defining the Asserting and Test-Stopping

Understand "assert [any things]" as asserting.

Asserting is an action out of world and applying to one thing.

Check asserting:
   if the noun is not a test, say "Testing Error: Tried to assert [noun] but that is not a test object." instead.

Carry out asserting when the turn count is not 1:
   Blank out the whole of Table of Executions;
   Choose a blank row in Table of Executions;
   Now the test-index entry is the index of the noun;
   write File of Scripts from the Table of Executions;

Carry out asserting:
   now testcontroller is active;
   now testname of testcontroller is the printed name of the noun;
   now index of testcontroller is the index of the noun;
   blank out the whole of Table of Test Steps;
   recursively add steps from the noun;
   choose row 1 in Table of Test Steps;
   now the command of testcontroller is the command entry;
   now the response of testcontroller is the response entry;
   now the total-steps of testcontroller is the number of filled rows in the Table of Test Steps;
   now the current-step of testcontroller is 1;
   start timer.

To recursively add steps from (procedure - a test):
   If the prerequisite of procedure is a test:
     recursively add steps from the prerequisite of procedure;
   Repeat through steps of procedure:
     Let copied command be command entry;
     Let copied response be response entry;
     Choose a blank row in Table of Test Steps;
     Now command entry is copied command;
     Now response entry is copied response;

Understand "assert all" as allasserting.
Allasserting is an action out of world and applying to nothing.

Check allasserting:
   if there are no tests, say "There are no tests!" instead.

Carry out allasserting:
   Blank out the whole of Table of Executions;
   Repeat with item running through tests:
     Choose a blank row in Table of Executions;
     now the test-index entry is the index of item;
   sort the Table of Executions in reverse test-index order;
   write File of Scripts from the Table of Executions;

Understand "stop the test" as teststopping.

Teststopping is an action out of world and applying to nothing.

Check teststopping:
   if testcontroller is not active, say "You're not testing right now!" instead.

Carry out teststopping:
   stop the test.

Report teststopping:
   say "[line break]All tests stopped."

To stop the test:
   stop timer;
   now testcontroller is not active;
   now testcontroller is processing a response;
   if the Table of Executions is not empty:
     blank out the whole of the Table of Executions;
     write File of Scripts from the Table of Executions;
   if the Table of Reports is not empty:
     blank out the whole of the Table of Reports;
     write File of Reports from the Table of Reports;

Part 5 -- Specifying Files and Tables

The File of Scripts (owned by another project) is called "scripts".
The File of Reports (owned by another project) is called "reports".

Table of Test Steps
with 100 blank rows

Table of Executions
a number
with 100 blank rows

Table of Reports
a numbera numbera number
with 100 blank rows

Part 6 -- When Play Begins

When play begins (this is the assign test indices rule):
   let i be 1;
   repeat with item running through tests:
     now the index of item is i;
     increment i;
When play begins (this is the check test progress rule):
   if File of Reports exists:
     read File of Reports into Table of Reports;
   if File of Scripts exists:
     read File of Scripts into the Table of Executions;
   if the Table of Executions is not empty:
     repeat through the Table of Executions:
       repeat with item running through tests:
         if the index of the item is the test-index entry:
           now index of testcontroller is the test-index entry;
     repeat through the Table of Executions:
       if index of testcontroller is the test-index entry:
         blank out the whole row;
     write File of Scripts from the Table of Executions;
     repeat with item running through tests:
       if the index of the item is the index of testcontroller:
         now testcontroller is rebooting;
         try asserting the item;
     if the Table of Reports is not empty:
       issue report;
       blank out the whole of Table of Reports;
       write File of Reports from the Table of Reports.

Part 7 -- The Turn Sequence Rule

Before reading a command when the active testcontroller is expecting a response (this is the handle test response rule):
   now testcontroller is processing a response;
   stop capturing text;
   say "[line break][captured text]";
   choose a blank row in Table of Reports;
   now index entry is index of testcontroller;
   now step entry is current-step of testcontroller;
   let captext be text;
   now captext is "[captured text]";
   if captext matches the regular expression the response of testcontroller:
     now result entry is 0;
     say "[first custom style][unicode success sign] success: [test-id] matched ";
     now result entry is 1;
     say "[second custom style][unicode failure sign] FAIL: [test-id] did not match ";
   say "'[response of testcontroller]'[line break]";
   write File of Reports from the Table of Reports;
   if the current-step of testcontroller is the total-steps of testcontroller:
     if testcontroller is rebooting:
       stop the test;
     increment the current-step of testcontroller;
     choose row the current-step of testcontroller in Table of Test Steps;
     now the command of testcontroller is the command entry;
     now the response of testcontroller is the response entry.

To say test-id:
   say "[index of testcontroller] [testname of testcontroller], step [current-step of testcontroller][roman type] --"

Chapter -- Handling Test Responses When the Turn Sequence Was Interrupted

The handle test response rule is listed last in the after printing a parser error rules.

The handle test response rule is listed last in the report requesting the score rules.
The handle test response rule is listed last in the report preferring unabbreviated room descriptions rules.
The handle test response rule is listed last in the report preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions rules.
The handle test response rule is listed last in the report switching score notification on rules.
The handle test response rule is listed last in the report switching score notification off rules.
The handle test response rule is listed last in the report requesting the pronoun meanings rules.

The handle test response rule is listed last in the after printing the player's obituary rules.

Part 8 -- Reporting the Results

To issue report:
   repeat through the Table of Reports:
     if result entry is 0, say "[first custom style][unicode success sign] success: ";
     if result entry is 1, say "[second custom style][unicode failure sign] FAIL: ";
     repeat with item running through tests:
       if the index of the item is the index entry:
         say "[index entry] [item], step [step entry][line break][roman type]".

Part 9 -- The Magical Glulx Stuff

Include (-

#ifndef TIMER_DELAY;
Constant TIMER_DELAY 10;

   [ HandleGlkEvent ev context abortres newcmd cmdlen ;
       context = 0; ! suppress ignored warning
       switch (ev-->0) {
     FollowRulebook( (+glulx timed activity rules+) );
     if ( FollowRulebook( (+command-counting rules +) ) && RulebookSucceeded())
       FollowRulebook( (+command-showing rules+) );
       if ( FollowRulebook( (+command-pasting rules+) )) return 2;

-) before "Glulx.i6t".

Glulx replacement command is some indexed text that varies.

The glulx timed activity rules is a rulebook.
A glulx timed activity rule (this is the default command replacement by timer rule):
   if testcontroller is expecting a response:
     say "[line break][line break][second custom style][unicode failure sign] ABORT: [index of testcontroller] [testname of testcontroller], step [current-step of testcontroller][roman type] -- Something went wrong. The response to the test command was not handled.[line break]";
     stop the test;
   change the glulx replacement command to command of testcontroller;
   now testcontroller is expecting a response;
   rule succeeds.

The command-counting rules are a rulebook.
A command-counting rule (this is the ordinary checking for content rule):
   if the number of characters in the glulx replacement command is 0, rule fails;
   rule succeeds.

The command-showing rules are a rulebook.
A command-showing rule (this is the print text to the input prompt rule):
   say input-style-for-glulx;
   say Glulx replacement command;
   say roman type;
   start capturing text.

To say input-style-for-Glulx:
   (- glk_set_style(style_Input); -)

The command-pasting rules are a rulebook.
A command-pasting rule (this is the glue replacement command into parse buffer rule):
   change the text of the player's command to the Glulx replacement command;
   rule succeeds.

Use timer delay of at least 10 translates as (- Constant TIMER_DELAY = {N}; -).

Include (-
[ StartTimer msec ;
]; -)

To start timer: (-
StartTimer(TIMER_DELAY); -)

To stop timer: (-
StartTimer(0); -)

[I suspect this is a horrible hack; sorry.]
To reboot: (- glk_request_timer_events(0); GL__M(##Restart, 1);
@restart; GL__M(##Restart, 2); -).

Automated Testing ends here.